The first meeting of the European project The Food Club, in which the Municipality of Castelnuovo del Garda is Lead Partner, was in Castelnuovo del Garda where partners from all over Europe arrived: Czech Republic- Municipality of Prague Kolovraty, Romania- Municipality of Alba Iulia and Association Motii Tara de Piatra, France- Municipality of St. Germain en Laye and Spain- Association Building Bridges.
The project consists of six partners and has the following objectives: knowledge of the use of food to promote social inclusion, greater understanding of environmental issues, stronger and more lasting links between partner municipalities, and increased participation of local people in municipal events.
The partners stayed in Castelnuovo del Garda for two days: upon their arrival on Monday, July 25, they participated in a cooking workshop where they had the opportunity to prepare themselves the food and wine excellence of Lake Garda, the Province of Verona, and the Veneto Region led by the Associazione Cuochi Scaligeri of Verona with products from local producers and businesses: VERONESI AIA NEGRONI GROUP, FELLINI GIORGIO E STEFANO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, LORO CLAUDIO THE FISHERMAN, GIUBELLI CHEESES, ADAMI BAKERY, CAPPELLETTI FARM, LE TENDE FARM, AZIENDA AGRICOLA SANDRO DE BRUNO, CANTINA VINICOLA GIANNITESSARI, STRADA DEL VINO DEL DURELLO, VITEVIS CANTINA DI CASTELNUOVO DEL GARDA and DISTILLERIA SCARAMELLINI.
In the evening, the first THE FOOD CLUB picnic was staged at Lido Campanello, with a traditionally new formula for sharing food and wine excellence, being together and preventing food waste. Organized together with Mayor Giovanni Dal Cero, Councillor for the Budget Gianfranco Gugole, and MEP Paolo Borchia with the support of MEG Mercato Enogastronomico , MEG & PARTNER and RV STUDIO.
The event was opened by the host, Mayor of Castelnuovo del Garda Giovanni Dal Cero, followed by the Honorable Paolo Borchia, MEP.
The Associazione Cuochi Scaligeri di Verona with its President Paolo Forgia, together with his colleagues Paolo Pampanini, Nicola Andretto and Giulio Montresor, presented the evening's menu, which was delivered in a picnic bag that was much appreciated.
Finally, on the morning of Tuesday 26, the partners learned about the territory through a guided tour of Castelnuovo del Garda.
"We celebrate the victory of the call for Networks of Cities, coming resources for the promotion of agribusiness in our territory together with partners from France, Spain, Czech Republic and Romania," explained MEP Paolo Borchia. Next space, went to thanks: "Thanks to Mayor Giovanni Dal Cero for believing in us and to Simona Rossotti for managing the project."
"We are excited to be the leader of this project The Food Club, a way to unite us, to get to know each other and to make our identity known abroad. This union of peoples will also allow, to create a commercial network between our companies and companies in partner countries," says Castelnuovo del Garda Mayor Giovanni Dal Cero.